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Something for Everyone
We offer a wide range of classes for all abilities, starting with Foundation for absolute beginners, leading all the way up to our highest level of gymnastics in Grey Squad.
For under-4s we offer pre-school lessons, structured around the ABCs of
Activity, Balance and Coordination. 
We also offer Free Style, GymFit and Adult Acro
For more information about our classes
and how to join, register at this link:
Tel: 01935 507654
SEN Pre-school
Please enquire for more details

Catering specifically for children with different needs, we are excited to introduce SEN Pre-school sessions!  In our safe and secure gymnastics environment, with brand new investment in specialist sensory equipment, we are delighted to be working with the local SEN community.  We are discussing what works best for them and making our wonderful sport as widely accessible as we possibly can, so that everyone can enjoy it regardless of their specific needs. 


You must enquire to obtain more details and spaces could be limited so don't delay.  We hope to do more SEN sessions in the future depending on feedback, so please tell us about your experiences of SEN provision in Yeovil and the local area.

Pre-school lessons

Young gymnasts from 18 months to age 4 participate in structured 45-minute lessons, following the British Gymnastics approved syllabus.  In our safe and secure facility they will develop skills including the basic ABCs of Action, Balance and Coordination, in a fun and interactive way, with parents also joining in the fun!  There are six blocks of lessons per year, in line with the Somerset Schools calendar. Lessons are booked in half-termly blocks of 6 lessons and the free taster session does not apply to pre-school.  Children 18 months - 3 years are accompanied by a parent or guardian during the lesson; children from 3-4 years can progress to the parent-free session. 


Please note the following rules: 

  • Classes for children under 3 require one adult per child to take part. Unless unavoidable, please do not bring siblings who are not joining in, as we are not able to supervise them for you.

  • Appropriate clothing for children includes leotards, t shirts, shorts and leggings.  Dresses and jeans are not appropriate.  Shoes will be removed by all participants, including adults.

  • Please remove all jewellery before participating.

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This class is perfect for complete beginners. We start taking children from the term they begin at Reception, once over the age of 4. These classes, of 55 minutes per week, work through the progress awards and gymnasts receive a certificate for each level they pass.



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 Blue Squad

This group is for children ages 6+ who have shown talent and commitment throughout our foundation and development programme. Once in this group gymnasts start training and competing under the National Development Plan (NDP) system. They train 5 hours each week.

Pink Squad

This group is for gymnasts moving up through the National Development Plan (NDP) in the mid-range of the Academy syllabus.  This squad trains for a minimum of 6 hours per week, and is an alternative to Green Squad on different days.

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Grey Squad

This squad trains and competes at high level in the Academy.  Gymnasts work through the top of the National Development Plan and into the International Development Pathway and World Age Groups.  They train for a minimum of 10 hours per week. Grey is more suited to younger children since they usually finish earlier on weekdays.


Not every gymnast wants to compete, instead they might want to do more hours and more advanced activities, but without aiming towards competitions. Once a gymnast has completed the Foundation progress milestones, they can choose the Advanced class to learn more difficult skills, do more hours per week, but without the pressure of competitions. Advanced classes attend one 90 minute session per week.

 Orange Squad

Not everyone wants to compete, so Orange Squad is purely about displays and having fun!  Some prior experience is needed, in order to join in fully, and Orange Squad train for one and a half hours per week

Green Squad

This group is for gymnasts moving up through the National Development Plan (NDP) in the mid-range of the Academy syllabus.  This squad trains for a minimum of 6 hours per week, and is usually more suited to younger children, since they usually finish earlier on weekdays.

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Magenta Squad

This squad trains and competes at the highest level in the Academy.  Gymnasts train on the International Development Pathway and World Age Groups.  They train for a minimum of 14 hours per week. Entry to Magenta Squad is strictly by invitation only.


The Development Squad is the first step on the competition ladder, and gymnasts can join Development by invitation only at any stage. This group trains 2 x 1 hour sessions a week. The gymnasts start to learn the basics of acrobatics in preparation for joining a full competition squad.  They also compete at Club Development Competition (CDC) level.

 Purple Squad

This group is strictly by selection for younger gymnasts with exceptional potential to prepare them as tops for higher squads. They train for four and a half hours per week.

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Yellow Squad

This group is for gymnasts moving up through the National Development Plan (NDP) in the mid-range of the Academy syllabus.  This squad trains for a minimum of 6 hours per week, and is usually more suited to older children, since they usually finish later on weekdays.

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Red Squad

This squad trains and competes at high levels in the Academy.  Gymnasts work through the top of the National Development Plan and into the International Development Pathway and World Age Groups.  They train for a minimum of 11 hours per week. Red squad is more suited to older children since they finish at 9pm on weekdays.

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Adult Gymnastics

Our adult gymnastics class gives you the opportunity to compete at local and national competitions, or just have a bit of fun!

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Currently on hold

We are looking for a Cheerleading Coach who can help us develop this fast-growing and popular sport.  We have people keen to join a Cheer Squad, so if you are a coach, or know one, please get in touch with us!

Freestyle Gymnastics
Currently on hold 

A more relaxed approach, less structure more exploring what your body can do! 

Gym Fit
Currently on hold 

Similar to elements of cross fit. We run a fitness class for anybody wanting to get as fit as a gymnast!

Spirit Gymnastics Academy

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YouTube: Spirit acro

​Instagram: spiritacro

Facebook: Spirit Acrobatic Gymnastics

Tel: 01935 507654


For information about how to join, classes and more...


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West Hendford


BA20 2AG



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Spirit Gymnastics Academy Limited



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