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Welfare and Safeguarding

Spirit Gymnastics Academy places child welfare and safeguarding at the top of our priorities.  This topic has had a high profile in 2022, with the Whyte Review and a number of gymnasts calling for change.  We therefore want to make clear our approach to safeguarding,


We have two dedicated volunteer Welfare Officers, who are fully trained in the responsibilities, and are professionals in the field.  They are available in person during most of the hours of opening, and are at a moment's notice to attend if there is a problem.  Their photos, names, email and contact number are available to members within the gym.  They can be easily spotted by their light blue shirts/jumpers when on duty.


We subscribe in full to the British Gymnastics policies and codes of conduct, which can be found on their website and below.  The safeguarding policies, points of contact and how to raise a concern are available here: Safeguarding (


We have a robust procedure for reporting concerns.  Anyone with any concern about child welfare can report in complete confidence to one of the welfare officers, in person or by email or by phone.  See contact details below.  In the unlikely event that a welfare officer can't be contacted quickly, the concern can be expressed to the senior coach present, who will pass on the information by the quickest means to the welfare officers.  The Managing Director is also always available to receive information, concerns or complaints; contact details are in the member information pack.


Our complaints and grievance process, available to members in the information pack and on display in reception, will be followed in most cases.  However, it may be necessary or advisable for a report to be referred by the Academy to either the local authority or the police, depending on the nature of the report and the urgency of the situation.  Please see the BG Flowchart below for further guidance.


For the avoidance of doubt, the leadership team of Spirit Gymnastics Academy do not, will not and have never weighed gymnasts as part of their training routine.  We consider the practice to be against Spirit's values, ethos and founding principles.


Spirit Gymnastics Academy

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Spirit Gymnastics Academy Limited



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